On Wed, 27 Mar 2013, Wolfram Kuss wrote:
# - I would need to be able to convert my Shadow files and not loose
# major data. I would be willing to write a converter myself, but the
# new app would at least have to support "creation date" of notes.
# It would be nice to have fields like "tags" so we can keep that data
# from Shadowplan; For now the new app might ignore those field(s).
Conversion of Shadow to anything is pretty easy (at least for me,
given its all my fault ;)
# - A search at least like Shadowplan. My lists are too big to handle
# without it.
gads, you're making me need to start a to-do list, and I'm not
even commiting to anything yet ;)
# - A desktop partner would not be needed straight away. If, for example
# one can use the app on the PC by using Bluestack and there is hope of
# a desktop partner program later on, that would be enough for me.
My fiddling about was leveraging a cross platform toolkit, whereby
the mobile app runs on desktop as well, or at least is mostly compatible..
so yeah, desktop + mobile; and if they talk, likely be via somethign
running on one of my servers or via dropbox or something. Not really
interested at all in writing 'sync code' to various backends, at least
anytime early on.
# - What you plan to write would run offline and would use unicode,
# right?
To be clear, there is no plan yet; its tantalizing, but I'm not
committing yet; just sort of sizing it in my head. If you can get me
excited about it, and if some of the technology keeps working, then may
well happen, at a _minimal_ level.
Android first, since it has a lower barrier to entry imho, for the
tech I'm leveraging. But the tech I'm working with also works on iOS.
Unicode day one, probably simple JSON files and not XML, but you'd
not likely care.
I've not put any thought at all into over-arching design though,
which is where it needs ot be; I'm still in frame of mind from Shadow, not
in frame of mind of fresh new designer coming in from all this new tech.
I have some cool ideas, from the old frame of reference approiach,
mind; but as I say, I'm not really interested in tieing it into all kinds
of cloud yet ;)
# > The trick is editing; recall Shadow had inline-edit and also a
# >more detailed detail-panel
# I am not sure what inline-edit means.
# The detailed detail-panel can be left off in a first version for me.
Shadow had two main ways of entry; in-line was where it'd let you
write text write in the main screen and it'd show up; you coudl write line
items that way, but not really put in any detail. For details such as all
the dates and tagging and other options, you'd go to the Detail panel,
which let you edit the works.. but it covered full screen of a Palm
You coudl set a pref that let you default to inline or full
detail, when you started writing.
Now, in Palm land, you had grafitti/etc; in iOS and Android, you
do not.. you don't have the ability to just start writing; you need a
keyboard popup. But the same overall division exists.
Something for me to mull over.
# > ... doing it fancy, like I was thinking a year ago, is a tonne of
# >work, and people like smooth flashy graphics and swooshy effects nowadays.
# Unfortunately :-(.
# The amount of money and press coverage something like Evernote gets is
# really suprising and sad :-(
They (and most bigger name apps) spend a lot on artsists/graphics,
workflow swooshyness, websites, and press. I'm not really interested in
that, at least early on; could be nice to have a simple app for the needs
I have, and maybe some of you guys too. Going all the way ... well, if I
go it at all, we'd have to see how a minimal one delivers.
But these app stores are stacked against you; with the popularity
ranking and order of display, tjhey favor the existing top; the design
really tries to make it so for any given genre, you've got about 5-10 apps
in the pool, and might as well be no others. Once you're in the top, you
stay in the top.... just because the stores dont' show anyone else.
So you typically do very well, or make nothing; and an app without
swooshyness, not going to strike you average joe.
that said, if I could make an app that is basic and free, or even
$1 for basic plus a few bits, thats okay; or even charge $10 and make it
sell for many fewer people, but good people, then who knows, maybne it'd
work out in the end. But I'm more motivated for covering expenses and
trying the waters .. when you go out with guns blazing, _planning_ on
conquering th big names, thats when you have real $$$ problems :O
If everyone would put barbecue sauce on their food, there would be no war.